For information each Board or Committee, please visit these links.
- Board of Selectmen
- Budget & Advisory Board
- Conservation Commission
- Planning Board
- Recreation Committee
- Sunrise Lake Village District
- Supervisors Checklist
- Trustee of the Trust Funds
- Zoning Board of Appeals
Board of Selectmen
Board of Selectmen meetings will be held on the first, second and fourth Monday of every month. The meetings will be held at the Old Town Hall at 6:30pm. The second Monday is designated for department heads to give their reports and discuss issues with the Board of Selectmen. The public is welcome to all meetings. Selectmen welcome public input during public comment at the end of the meeting.
Board Members
- Timothy Cremmen, Chair
- Tracy Donovan-Laviolette, Vice Chair
- Michael Green, Member
- Bonnie Gagnon, Member
- Roxanne Tufts-Keegan, Member
- Kim Hughes - Selectmen’s Secretary/Bookkeeper
Budget Committee
Board Members
- Kathleen Blaney
- Sierra Pawnell
- Andrea Bowden
- Heather Cremmen - School Board Rep
- Nicole Huntress- School Board Rep
- Mike Green - BOS Ex-Officio
- Christine Maynard - SLVD Rep
Conservation Commission
Town of Middleton’s Conservation Commission was established March of 1988 to promote and preserve the areas natural resources, to protect and manage the watershed resources and wildlife habitat areas. This three member volunteer Commission, appointed by the Board of Selectmen, is responsible for managing the Town’s forest and other town owned conservation lands.
- Email:
Board Members
- Carol Vita - Chair
- Kate Buzard - Vice-Chair
- James Keegan - Alternate Member
- Tracy Donovan-Laviolette - BOS Liaison
Planning Board
- Email:
Board Members
- Christine Maynard - Chair
- John Quinn - Representative SLVD
- Roxanne Tufts-Keegan - BOS Ex-Officio
Recreation Committee
- Email:
Board Members
- Bonnie Gagnon - Chair
- Danielle Snow-LeClair
- Bonnie Gagnon - BOS Liaison
Sunrise Lake Village District
- Email:
- Phone: 603-755-4904
Board Members
- Jerri Waitt - Chair
- Janet Kalar - Treasurer
- Christine Maynard - Clerk
- Kelly Tivnan - Auditor
- John Quinn - Commissioner
- Henry Pedersen - Commissioner
Supervisors Checklist
Board Members
- Andrea Bowden
- Linda Adamo
Trustee of the Trust Funds
Board Members
- Janet Kalar
- John Mullen
- Christine Maynard
Zoning Board of Adjustment
- Email:
Board Members
- James Keegan - Chair
- Lorri Gunnison - Vice-Chair
- Dan Saliga
- Charles Therriault
- Linda Adamo
- Tim Cremmen - BOS Liaison
Zoning Board of Adjustment is currently seeking new members. If interested please contact us via email.
For many years, The Zoning board has played an important, role in the development of the Town of Middleton.
To a large extent, the success or failure of zoning administration rests on the proper exercise of judgement by the members of the Board of Adjustment.
The modern concept of zoning began in the twentieth century, however as of late; smaller cities and towns have enacted zoning ordinances and maps, recognizing that health, safety and welfare depend on protection against ill-considered and indiscriminate use of land.
The Zoning Board of Adjustment provides the necessary flexibility to ensure that the ordinance is applied equitably to all property.
The Board of Adjustment hears appeals from any order, requirement, decision or determination made by an administrative official and administers special provisions in the ordinance dealing with variances, special exceptions and equitable waivers of dimensional requirement.
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